Ronald Donn Scholarship Award

In honor of VLTA past president, Ronald Donn, who served as president from 2006-2007, the Virginia Land Title Association Board of Directors has established a scholarship program for newly licensed title insurance agents and newly certified VCTEs who have a desire to improve their skills and increase their knowledge as land title professionals. Ronald Donn was passionate about industry education and worked to include new professionals in the Convention experience. The scholarship covers full convention registration (lodging accommodations not included). VLTA encourages all who qualify to apply for the award. The recipient of the Ronald Donn Award is announced and awarded at the Annual Convention.


Applicants for the Ronald Donn Award must demonstrate the following:

  • Status as a Licensed Title Insurance Agent or VCTE, preference to newly licensed or certified professionals (within past 24 months)
  • Membership in good standing with the Virginia Land Title Association – individual or company membership
  • Commitment to attend all educational sessions offered at Convention
  • Willingness to report on your experiences at Convention for a brief article in the VLTA Examiner Magazine.

Past Recipients 
Recipient Year Awarded
Liz Kestler 2008
Raynelle Ricks 2009
Milika Hobbs 2012
Susan Johnson 2014
Chris Armstrong 2016
Michelle Kaila 2017
Jenine Skrabak 2018
Susan Finkel 2019
Linnette Lopez
Amanda Armstrong
Stephanie Vermillion
Matthew Lindner 2023