Day on the Hill 2024


VLTA Day on the Hill connects the Virginia title insurance community with Virginia legislators. Representatives enjoy speaking with constituent resources on whom they can rely for information on proposed legislation. We identify participants' Senators and Delegates and set up 10-15 minute appointments to discuss relevant issues with those representatives.

Lobbying on behalf of the industry provides elected and appointed officials with the information they need to make the best decisions for their constituencies. The information and education you can provide may be critical to the decisions that legislators make on issues that concern the title industry. Legislators respond to constituents and to personal contacts.

VLTA will provide participants with talking points at the briefing held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on the morning of the event. Members of all backgrounds and experience levels are encouraged to participate. 


Parking garage on the corner of 8th and Grace (111 N. 8th Street) underneath the Parish House is available
$5 for the first hour; additional $5 for the second; additional $5 for the 3rd hour ---- after three hours, you are charged $30 for the day