Event Calendar

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Member Resources Committee Monthly Meeting

Start Date: 4/9/2024 9:00 AM EDT
End Date: 4/9/2024 10:00 AM EDT

United States 

Event Website: https://www.vlta.org//AF_MemberCommittee.asp?committeeid=3

Organization Name: VLTA

Emily Stephens
Email: membership@vlta.org
Phone: (800) 564-8582

Join the meeting here: https://vlta.tradewing.com/virtualEvent/9F4LBLhbKXomS5NHF

To dial into "VLTA Member Resources Committee Monthly Meeting - April 2024" call 1 (833) 302-2040
To join as a participant, enter code 957256241
To join as a listener, enter code 769835929

Committee members are invited to participate in monthly conference calls to help enhance the value of membership. Committee members engage the membership in the Association's business and seek out ways to promote and benefit members.

Interested in joining the Member Resources Committee?
From your member portal, click on 'My Committees' from the bookmarks menu. A list of committees that are available for membership will be listed; click on the 'Join' button to submit a request. Once approved, you will be added to the Member Resources Committee Community for communication, meetings and resources.

Committee Meeting Information
This committee meets virtually on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 am. Members of the committee will join the virtual meeting from the comittee community page. You must be a committee member to view this page.